I am looking to unmarshal a pre-built transaction envelope for signing using the new txnbuild package in the Go SDK but I'm missing a step and can't find the correct way to unmarshal. This is what I have so far:
// Unmarshall the envelope
var decoded xdr.TransactionEnvelope
err = xdr.SafeUnmarshalBase64(env, &decoded) // env is the xdr string
check(err, "Unmarshal transaction envelope")
tx := // convert to txnbuild transaction... but how?
// Rebuild, sign, encode and prepare response
txe, err := tx.BuildSignEncode(signer.(*keypair.Full))
check(err, "Rebuild, sign and encode transaction")
I think I just need to convert the xdr.TransactionEnvelope to a txnbuild.Transaction for signing.