Specifically, I'm interested in knowing what the state of inflation votes were at an arbitrary historic timestamp. I can run the ledger backward to figure balances, but I'm not sure how I'd figure out previous votes if someone changes their vote.

1 Answer 1


In order to get the historical inflation votes data you need to run a Horizon node with CATCHUP_COMPLETE parameter set to true.

Once a fully synced instance is ready, you will be able to query history_effects table which contains all ledger effects. Inflation destination is set by SET_OPTIONS operation that yields SIGNER_UPDATED effect despite the fact that official documentation mentions Account Home Domain Updated effect. Here is a bug description.

Therefore in your case an SQL statement that retrieves all inflation_dest changes will look like this:

FROM history_effects 
WHERE type=12 AND details->>'inflation_dest' IS NOT NULL 
ORDER BY history_operation_id, order

Add a filter by date and aggregate results to get inflation_dest for all accounts at a given point in time.

  • So if I wanted to know how many votes were cast to wallet GAEXAMPLE as of 2017-11-17 at 00:00 UTC, I would first have to figure out which wallets were voting for GAEXAMPLE on that date, and then run a routine to figure out the balances of all of those voter wallets. Is that correct? Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 20:13
  • Exactly. There is another option, if you don't need a historical data. You can setup a Core node, periodically fetch the up-to-date information and store it somewhere. Query in that case will be much simpler, you don't need to build complex aggregation SQLs.
    – Orbit Lens
    Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 21:26

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