I do run horizon db reingest range 6500 7104 in order to pull some missing entries to my validator.

I run into this error:

INFO[2020-05-04T15:52:55.425Z] Ingestion system initial state                current_state="reingestHistoryRange(fromLedger=6500, toLedger=7104, force=false)" pid=21477 service=expingest
INFO[2020-05-04T15:52:55.432Z] Processing ledger                             commit=false graph=false ledger=true pid=21477 sequence=6500 service=expingest state=false
ERRO[2020-05-04T15:52:55.434Z] Error in ingestion state machine              current_state="reingestHistoryRange(fromLedger=6500, toLedger=7104, force=false)" error="error processing ledger sequence=6500: Error creating ledger reader: ledger not found" next_state=stop pid=21477 service=expingest
INFO[2020-05-04T15:52:55.434Z] Shut down                                     pid=21477 service=expingest
2020/05/04 15:52:55 error processing ledger sequence=6500: Error creating ledger reader: ledger not found

What I noted is that the HISTORY_ARCHIVE_URL (https://history.stellar.org/prd/core-testnet/core_testnet_001) is actually giving me a 404.

How can I fix that?


1 Answer 1


Stellar-core database must contain the ledgers in the range you want to ingest. You can make stellar-core to process them by running:

stellar-core catchup 7104/1000

This will process 1000 ledgers before 7104, including 7104.

  • Hm, that brings me to the next error: dpaste.org/n28o
    – shredding
    May 5, 2020 at 5:40
  • Additionally: Is there a way to define the starting ledger on startup? If so, I'd just throw the container away.
    – shredding
    May 5, 2020 at 7:48
  • This Stellar-Core error in strange, you can try to remove buckets directory it should help. Which docker image are you using? May 5, 2020 at 14:19
  • 1
    First of all, stellar/quickstart is a single purpose image - it just catchup to testnet and pubnet and start serving requests. It's really hard to do any admin tasks. I would recommend using github.com/stellar/go/tree/master/services/horizon/docker that's just a wrapper around horizon binary so should be easy to run all commands. May 6, 2020 at 13:12
  • 1
    Second, you either need stop stellar-core instance before running new-db or have another instance where you can run catchup and point horizon to it. I think the former is easier. So the process should be the following. 1. Start stellar-core and horizon, wait for horizon to ingest a few couple ledgers. Check history_elder_ledger value. 2. Stop stellar-core and horizon. 3. Catchup stellar-core to any range pre history_elder_ledger you want. 4. Reingest that range using horizon. 5. Restart everything stellar-core (new-db and run) and horizon. May 6, 2020 at 13:14

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