I am trying to setup a stellar private network for experimentation purposes. Unfortunately, no matter what i do, the nodes end up not being able to sync up. Mostly, as soon as I change the network name, things fall apart.

The step by step instructions that I follow are documented here:


I will truly appreciate ANY help. ANY! It seems many more things have to be done when the pass phrase is changed. But I can't figure out what are those things.

  • 1
    Did you already manage to run the first node in standalone mode? Does it have status Synced? Are the history archives available? IP adresses correct? Can node2 access ? Do you get any suspicious error messages? You have to use the same network name from the very begining, you must not change it afterwards - start over with a clean db with stellar-core new-db.
    – sui
    Commented May 9, 2019 at 12:34


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