When you receive a transaction in the http request, you are getting a string with the XRD base64 form of the client signed transaction:


If you are using JS, you can use the following to verify that the transaction was signed by the server PK:

const tx = new Transaction(req.body.transaction);
const op = tx.operations[0];
const { signatures } = tx;
const hash = tx.hash();

// Source account is ours
if (tx.source != SERVER_KEY_PAIR.publicKey()) {
  return res.json({ error: "Invalid source account." });

// Challenge transaction was generated by us
if (
  !signatures.some(signature =>
    SERVER_KEY_PAIR.verify(hash, signature.signature())
) {
  return res.json({ error: "Server signature is missing or invalid." });

I'm using Golang, but I think I'm using the wrong types and methods because the verification is failing.

var txXDR xdr.TransactionEnvelope
err = xdr.SafeUnmarshalBase64(txeBase64, &txXDR)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("Error Unmarhsaling TX: %s", err)

The problem using that Transaction Envelope is that I do not see in the Go-SDK the equivalent of

const hash = tx.hash();
SERVER_KEY_PAIR.verify(hash, signat`ure.signature())

when using that XDR Tx.

Can anyone point me to the right direction?

1 Answer 1



package main

import (


func main() {
  var env xdr.TransactionEnvelope
  if err != nil {
  txHash, err := network.HashTransaction(&env.Tx, network.TestNetworkPassphrase)
  if err != nil {

  err = kp.Verify(txHash[:], env.Signatures[0].Signature)
  fmt.Println("Will be non-nil when sig is invalid:", err)

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