I have a problem broadcasting a transaction for stellar.
It ends and gives me the error tx_bad_seq
. The thing is I have checked and rechecked the account sequence number multiple times. I feed in the sequence number for the account GCLT45QVPRNNVOOW6CU2WAO4OPEV5OK45YZBMD2EXRNX3KLQPBFTPHDD
as 126165149651304448
. It then increments the sequence number to 126165149651304449
and then signs the transaction. The signing goes as smoothly as it has a 1000 times before. In fact, to check if I was signing with the right sequence number I put in 126165149651304449
instead of 126165149651304448
and tried submitting that transaction. I still get the same error code.
The thing is I cannot understand what exactly is the problem. Discussions online suggest that it is a problem with the sequence number, but I think this has something more to it. I have checked the same sequence number on https://laboratory.stellar.org/#explorer?resource=accounts&endpoint=single&network=public and I still am getting the same error. Could it be the way I initialized the account?
I initialized it with 20 XLM instead of 1 XLM. But I am not sure that this should create a problem like this. And if it is a problem, how to solve it?