Situation: I am trying to implement the Stellar 2-party multisignature escrow account with time lock & recovery Smart Contract example using the Java SDK. In transaction 3 (unlock transaction), the source needs to create and sign the transaction and then pass the signed transaction to the destination, so they can sign it.
Question: Is there a way I can pass the transaction XDR from the source to the destination account, so they can sign and return the transaction to the source using Stellar's Java SDK?
What I Have Tried:
- I experimented with the Transaction Memo, but that limits the number of bytes to 28, so I am unable to send the hash or XDR using this format
- I have tried to use the transaction hash, but it looks like you cannot use the Stellar transactions endpoint until that transaction has been submitted.
I have researched this issue, but I was unable to find an example containing how to send just the transaction XDR between accounts.
I appreciate any help that you can provide. Thank you!