I'm trying to send an asset on testnet and I'm getting this error: op_invalid_limit. What could this mean?

  • 1
    StackExchange blocks too short questions intentionally. You haven't provided any source code, only a vague error description. In most cases it's not enough to troubleshoot the problem.
    – Orbit Lens
    Commented Feb 13, 2018 at 8:06
  • yes, of course that's why it was done. I've intentionally not provided any source code as I'm using an SDK built on top of Stellar's SDK - it would not be helpful to anyone. I was hoping this issue could be gleaned from the error code, which - as you've correctly pointed out - is rather vague. thanks for the edit and the answer, I'll dig on.
    – FuzzyAmi
    Commented Feb 13, 2018 at 8:11

2 Answers 2


You can find all possible errors for operations in List of Operations doc.

CHANGE_TRUST_INVALID_LIMIT  -3  This operation would drop the limit of this trustline below the amount of the asset the account currently holds.

It looks like you are trying to invoke the Change Trust operation while providing the wrong limit (maybe 0). Check your source code.

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