As of writing, Google Search for "stellar inflation pools" reveals:
- a reddit post with a comment that links to other posts
- Inflation | Stellar Developers page
- promotional site for an existing inflation pool — biased info
While some include information on what an inflation pool is, the how* and why are not conveyed in a succinct manner or at all. Here are some of my key questions which could be better addressed:
- How do I set up an inflation pool?
- What are the benefits of running and maintaining a pool?
- What are the risks in participating in or running a pool
- Where can I find a list of available pools?
See this Example Delegate Proposal** and an available listing as an example of how dPOS delegates are handled elsewhere.
This question is distinct from How do I select an inflation destination? because it is for specific aspects (see breakdown of questions) of inflation pool and is not limited to selecting a particular inflation pool as destination from your wallet.
*There are technical details in the Stellar Developers page which could be confusing to newcomers.
**Different mechanism from Stellar's inflation but the pooling is similar. This is simply an example. I do not endorse any linked material in this post.