Questions tagged [effects]

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Create offer has no _effect_

I issued a new sausage token and gave 1000 sausages to my other account in some shady barbecue related dealings. This other account issued an offer to sell 500 SAUSAGE at a rate of 0.33 XLM per ...
Synesso's user avatar
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How does the trade id relate to the effect id?

After successfully creating an offer via the Horizon API, I use the transaction hash to get the effects. This may include trades. Later I retrieve all trades for my account. Now I want to match the ...
lex82's user avatar
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Path payment accounting

I've noticed a weird path payment and I'm confused as to how to interpret it. The payment is represented on as GBN2KFK sending 3.333 XLM to a path and GATEMHC receiving 1 XLM at the ...
alcio's user avatar
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Confusing Effects after Set Options transaction

I'm not seeing what I'd expect to see from the effects API endpoint. I created a test account GBFYP5PVDTKVH2WYR73PUMP463SHU726S5KN6JJ632M7SG7OGLU3CFKN and funded it. Then I issued this transaction ...
Synesso's user avatar
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sold_amount and bought_amount return 0.0000 in /effects

After placing ManageOfferOperation, when we call /effects endpoint we are getting 0.0000 in sold_amount and bought_amount. Is this an issue of Stellar Core?
Shan Gorai's user avatar
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Effects by ledger endpoint never returns any effects

Is the effects by ledger endpoint broken or not yet implemented? I imagine ledgers contain many events, but whichever I check there are no effects.
Synesso's user avatar
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