Questions tagged [network]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can Horizon reconnect to its database on brief network outage?

We run a remote Postgres database on our Horizon instance, and on several occasions we would lose connection to the database server briefly (cause still being investigated). This drops our connection ...
Secondclaw's user avatar
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Stellar verification

Once a Stellar token is created how is it submitted for verification, so that it may be listed and searchable on the Stellar network?
Carlos's user avatar
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Send cross border payments without local deposit anchor

Is it possible to allow my users of my wallet app to send payments to another country without a local deposit anchor but by funding their accounts using an exchange like binance then making a path ...
Mac's user avatar
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Change Network Passphrase - Quickstart - Persistent - Docker

I am trying to change the network passphrase for stellar. I am using the quickstart docker image and launching in standalone mode. command: docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "E:\...
user4098's user avatar
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Peer getting rejected from the private network

Hi I created a private network of 3 nodes with the following configurations like this: # more than one node should validate. threashold = 2 [QUORUM_SET] THRESHOLD_PERCENT=34 VALIDATORS=["$node01","$...
Vishwas Bhushan's user avatar
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Problem in connecting new node to the network

I am trying to setup a network of 2 nodes(node01, node02) and then want another node to be connected to that network. Here is what my configuation is : For node 1: [QUORUM_SET] THRESHOLD_PERCENT=...
Vishwas Bhushan's user avatar