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Questions tagged [stellar.toml]

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Demo wallet can't find .toml file

My stellar.toml file is currently available at but when I test adding an asset that I am issuing via I get the ...
Leonardo Koshoni's user avatar
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Logo/image for my anchor token

is there an exact size that my logo (for my anchor token) should be? Or is it just automatically re-sized by default?
In-Dure1's user avatar
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Is there a way to update my coin information?

A guy on Fiverr built me the ESA token, and I wanted to add my website and some details to the metadata or profile. Is there a way to update it?
Do You Right Professional SEO 's user avatar
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Stellar-core running in Docker container, but not inside supervisorctl. If run in supervisorctl it doesn't use the right config

In the docker container if I run stellar-core using supervisortctl, then logs do not get written to the file I have specified in my stellar-core.cfg, but if I start stellar-core outside of ...
John Murphy's user avatar
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How do I verify the sender balance is not more than sending amount (Stellar Compliance)

I am using the Stellar federation protocol and successfully integrated 'stellar bridge', 'stellar federation' and 'stellar compliance'. How do I verify the sender is not sending more than his ...
Tariq's user avatar
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Updating `stellar.toml` contents

The Set Options endpoint simply specifies the url for the stellar.toml file. The contents of which can change -- so how does the network validate/checkpoint the configuration content? Additionally, ...
Sean Pollock's user avatar
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Stellar KYC - Not Found when creating a customer {{ANCHOR_SERVER}}/sep12/customer

My anchor is up and running without issues, but when I try to start KYC (SEP12) for a customer, it returns a Not Found. Request: PUT URL: {{ANCHOR_URL}}/sep12/customer Request Body: { "...
Carlos Anaya Garay's user avatar
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How do I get KYC/AML approved for certain assets?

I have added a few tokens to my trust line that interested me, but when I went to purchase them, I realized that I have to be KYC AML approved. How does one go about getting approved to purchase ...
scott's user avatar
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Is there a shared hosting provider (not Hostinger) that will allow setting CORS headers in the "/.well-known" directory?

Hostinger just confirmed that making changes to the /.well-known folder with .htaccess is not possible on their shared hosting plan, so I can't set the CORS header on the stellar.toml file. So it ...
kipadip0001's user avatar
-1 votes
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YAML Configuration Template Issue

So I was going from this nebula package config for AWS that was created, but I was trying to POC what the prod version of the configs for this would look like. I am not that verbose with YAML and am ...
thekevshow's user avatar