I have one question for downloading history archive. When we execute the captive core server, It starts to download and catch up the ledger file by stellar-core automatically. The data is stored in /tmp/captive-stellar-coreXXX. Is that right? and why are you doing this? I want to sync the block data and query all transaction data.
- horizon: v2.0.0
- stellar-core: v1.15.1
[the result of "ps -ef"]
/home/stellar/bin/stellar-core --conf /tmp/captive-stellar-core695861656/stellar-core.conf catchup 4498561/99968 --metadata-output-stream fd:3 --replay-in-memory
curl -sf http://history.stellar.org/prd/core-live/core_live_003/ledger/00/43/29/ledger-004329ff.xdr.gz -o /tmp/captive-stellar-core695861656/buckets/tmp/catchup-880e8b173d3467bb/ledger/00/43/29/ledger-004329ff.xdr.gz.tmp