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Why does the account_id not equal the private_key when creating a new account?

I use the following demo to create a new account on testnet:

import requests

from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Server

# Generate random keypair
keypair = Keypair.random()

print("Public Key: " + keypair.public_key)
print("Secret Seed: " + keypair.secret)

# Call the Api to create a test account via Friendbot
response = requests.get(f"{keypair.public_key}")
if response.status_code == 200:
    print(f"SUCCESS! You have a new account :)\n{response.text}")
    print(f"ERROR! Response: \n{response.text}")

According to the official documentation I'd have expected that the account_id equals the public key used to create the account, but it does not.

What do I miss?

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