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16 votes

Which cryptographic algorithm is used to generate the secret and public keys?

Stellar is using Ed25519 public-key signature system. After generating a new key pair (public and private key), both keys are strkey-encoded. strkey works like this: Prepend keys with a version byte:...
Bartek Nowotarski's user avatar
3 votes

What is done to create a stellar AccountID aside from the generated raw secret and derived pub/priv key?

A private key is just a random 256-bit number. A public key is just another 256-bit number, generated from a private key. Quite simplified (and wrong in almost every way that matters), you generate a ...
Johan Stén's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the differences between Ripple and Stellar addresses

Stellar uses ed25519 keys, whereas Ripple uses secp256k1 (just as Bitcoin, etc..) by default, and ed25519 if specified. Ed25519 keys should to be able to be moved between the two systems, with the ...
Johan Stén's user avatar
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1 vote

Alternate signature - hash(x)

Which sha256 implementation are you using? Both sha.js (bundled with JavaScript StellarSDK) and native node implementation do not require padding.
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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