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15 votes

Instantly distributing payments to multiple parties

I can't think of an easy way to do this right now. If someone has a proposal for an extension to allow things like this please put it here:
Jed McCaleb's user avatar
9 votes

How do I keep track of payments to an address with JS SDK?

The streaming API is good for that job, you could get the last token from the network just when the user sends the payment and open the stream channel using that token so it looks only for ...
Kuyawa's user avatar
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7 votes

is it possible to perform multiple payment operation in single transaction?

Sure, addOperation can be called multiple times. const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account) .addOperation(StellarSdk.Operation.payment({ destination: managerPublickey, ...
shredding's user avatar
  • 316
6 votes

What knowledge and skills are needed to create an App payment checkout with Stellar Network?

Actually, you can setup simple flow by yourself. Check the "Streaming payment events" demo ( You ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't see the history of an account that paid me

Using the payments by account endpoint of Horizon we can see that the from account has since been merged into GCXELXZUHZEZFT5E63P2R2HMXJ3MPPIVR3TI2MDBP244ECRBQEFBVKCG. { "_links": { "self"...
Synesso's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I keep track of payments to an address with JS SDK?

Here's the process in action:
shredding's user avatar
  • 316
4 votes

Is there a way to get a list of payments on account along with the transaction memo?

The detail of a transaction's operations are encoded in the field envelope_xdr. You can decode this value to obtain the payments and other operations. For example, this transaction with memo "...
Synesso's user avatar
  • 3,367
4 votes

Stellar Payments: Routing Algorithm

If you're thinking about the path finding, used for doing cross-asset payments, there was a recent update to it, described here:
Johan Stén's user avatar
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4 votes

Payment to inactive account

Use the CreateAccount operation instead of Payment.
Synesso's user avatar
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3 votes

How Do I "distribute" multiple times?

Technically you don't have to, although having 6 accounts for different distribution phase may be a better option if there is a need for different signatories per phase.
tracy's user avatar
  • 212
3 votes

Is there a way to get a list of payments on account along with the transaction memo?

The memo is associated with the transaction, so you'll have to actually pull the transaction for each payment. Here is some code for how I've handled it in the past with the JS SDK: function ...
Paul's user avatar
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3 votes

Stellar Bridge not POSTing callbacks with mac_key configured

I misunderstood the documentation. The mac_key should be any valid Stellar Private Key. After changing it, I'm getting the HMAC-SHA256 encoded string.
Ace Subido's user avatar
3 votes

Send funds with Fees Included or Not Included?

Fees are always paid for in the native currency (XLM), so you can't cover the cost of a transaction using USD like in your example
MonsieurNicolas's user avatar
3 votes

Send funds with Fees Included or Not Included?

There is no way to send lumens directly on the Stellar Network without the sender paying the fee. This fee is built directly into the Stellar Network. "Stellar deducts the entire fee from the ...
Jpunsal's user avatar
  • 502
3 votes

How I can buy SLT for gryvna (Ukrainian money)?

Brief guide to buying ANY Stellar-based asset In general the approach looks like the following: Fiat Money (USD, EUR etc.) → XLM (Stellar internal currency) → Asset of your choice 0. Prerequisites In ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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3 votes

Can anyone explain what passive offers achieve?

The link provides purpose in a nutshell: Passive offers allow market makers to have zero spread. If you want to trade EUR for USD at 1:1 price and USD for EUR also at 1:1, you can create two ...
Akuukis's user avatar
  • 416
3 votes

What Stellar payment service is this site using?

The website is I have no affiliation with that site. I asked the web site owner through their contact form and he said: "a Stellar getaway for WooCommerce" WooCommerce enables one to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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3 votes

Relation between Operation, Payemnt and Effect

Payment is actually a result of the successful execution of a payment operation. A successful payment operation will yield two effects (Account Credited and Account Debited). If a transaction fails ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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3 votes

How do 2 people sign a transaction from different clients?

Maybe this flow is working on the backend process. You create transaction with signed rootKeypair and save transaction object somewhere else waiting for person B to signed that transaction ?
Tanapat Xu's user avatar
3 votes

Why doesn't Stellar match the other order?

The behavior you encountered existed in protocol versions 1 and 2. Protocol version 10, the most recently released version, incorporates CAP-0003 and CAP-0004 which make changes to the functionality ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 46
3 votes

How does Stellar manage to cut the cost of remittances?

Assume you want to convert USD to EUR. Send USD (Fiat) to anchor, anchor gives you back USD Token. Trade USD Token with XLM and then trade again to buy EUR Token. (XLM acts as bridge currency, you ...
jagstock's user avatar
  • 539
3 votes

Is Operation Id unique?

OperationId is unique within the network, so you need not to pair it with TransactionId. (TransactionId is also known as TransactionHash.) You may consider OperationId a better choice for primary key,...
cesarm's user avatar
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3 votes

Which conditions need to be fulfilled for a payment operation to succeed?

Source account does not have enough of the specified asset. This can be checked by getting the balance of the specified account. The selling_liabilities are already subtracted from this amount (are ...
MNSH's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Instantly distributing payments to multiple parties

First of all, you can't execute code programmatically (like Ethereum Smart Contract) in Stellar, but you can programmatically create pre-defined transactions getting variables from in-chain data. Let ...
michelem's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Get the operation record of a payment

That is the object returned from a successful submitTransaction call, it is not the transaction record object that you get from calling server.transactions().transaction(hash). If you would like to ...
tracy's user avatar
  • 212
2 votes

Get the operation record of a payment

According to the Stellar docs and source code, what you get back is just a plain object, straight from Horizon. https://github....
Johan Stén's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to get a list of payments on account along with the transaction memo?

I've made Payment Locator tool with public API that exactly matches your case. Some highlights: Lookup by transaction memo, amount, asset, source/destination account. Search by a single parameter or ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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2 votes

Verifying a transaction

The easiest way is to compare the transaction hashes - if they are the same then it was not modified. Signatures are used to prove that a given user signed a transaction (and actually what is being ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 votes

Horizon returns 404 when trying to query accounts/{ID}/payments

Had the same problem but it seems I figured it out. If you want the full history available on your horizon you need to do the following. Run your stellar-core with CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true. On your ...
marcinx's user avatar
  • 586
2 votes

Why is amount an integer in manage_offer operation?

This page documents the core API which takes integers. You must divide by 10^7 to get the actual numbers. All of the SDKs use strings which are the actual amounts. So the doc isn't wrong, just a bit ...
Steve Kirsch's user avatar

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