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7 votes

Could I apply this token scenario in stellar?

Sure, it's possible. You'll need to setup your own server with database and pretty straight-forward logic. Setup listening to All Payments endpoint in streaming mode. In that way you can monitor all ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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6 votes

Stellar TimeLock for Birthday Gift

This capability is not on-network. Third party solution(s) exist. For example:
Synesso's user avatar
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4 votes

Setting Expiration Time for Offers on Stellar?

Stellar does not support expiring offers. Time locks only specify the time window when a Stellar transaction is eligible to be submitted to the network but not it's validity. Therefore, sending a ...
nikhils's user avatar
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3 votes

How Do I "distribute" multiple times?

Technically you don't have to, although having 6 accounts for different distribution phase may be a better option if there is a need for different signatories per phase.
tracy's user avatar
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How to determine sequence no for pre-authorised transaction with time bound validity without blocking other new possible transactions

The pre-signed transaction will be invalidated if someone submits a transaction against the same account. This is possible because the account is not locked and therefore someone with the secret key ...
nikhils's user avatar
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2 votes

How to list all unique contracts on the network?

Stellar smart contracts are basically transactions that succeed or fail based on various constraits (most simple example: a pre defined transaction that makes a payment only if published in a specific ...
sui's user avatar
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How to burn tokens with unlimited supply in Stellar?

Removing assets from supply is done by sending it back to the issuing account, just as you quoted. If your supply is unlimited or not doesn't matter, removed assets gets removed. If you have an issue ...
Johan Stén's user avatar
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1 vote

Is digital bank with Stellar possible?

Where do the transaction fees go now? To the inflation pool. Since there is no inflation redistribution process, those XLM tokens are effectively locked for now. This may change in the future, when ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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Stellar TimeLock for Birthday Gift

Another solution is to have Alice create and fund a new account C and sign a timebound transaction to merge C into Bob account. Then she can share the transaction with Bob before his birthday, he has ...
Francesco's user avatar
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How to determine sequence no for pre-authorised transaction with time bound validity without blocking other new possible transactions

Correct, but keep in mind that pre-authorized transactions are not valid until a matching transaction is sent. That means that you could create a new transaction with the same sequence number as that ...
yulemata's user avatar
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1 vote

How Do I "distribute" multiple times?

You only ever really need one distribution account. They way assets in stellar works is that in order to issue an asset, the issuer sends it to someone. That someone is what we call the distribution ...
Johan Stén's user avatar
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Smart contract Signing agent

Yes that is easily possible, for ease of coding, you can even refer your favorite SDK :) Stellar is available in all coding platforms(officially and unofficially) that you can think of :- Official ...
Peter's user avatar
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