I am setting up a private network on a local machine. I have stellar-core, horizon and bridge server running. While setting up compliance server, it needs access to domain’s stellar.toml. This file has to be hosted https://domain/.well-known/stellar.toml.

In local test environment I do not have access to https / 443 server. Is it possible via some configuration, stellar.toml can be hosted on a http port

e.g. http://my.localhost/~Harmit/one/.well-known/stellar.toml (For Node set 1) http://my.localhost/~Harmit/two/.well-known/stellar.toml (For Node set 2)

Thanks for all the help and support

1 Answer 1


As far as I know, all wallets and other clients search for stellar.toml using the HTTPS scheme, so HTTP setup just won't work. You can try to issue a self-signed SSL certificate for your test domain.

In case if you have dedicated API and own some domain (say, mypersonaldomain.com), there is an easier way to achieve your goals. Using https://certbot.eff.org/ you can generate a valid SSL certificate issued by Let'sEncrypt absolutely free of charge.


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