I have just started with stellar. I am not able to understand v blocking node set and how do they block progress of a particular node.
"An FBA protocol can guarantee liveness to a node 𝑣 only if 𝐐(𝑣) contains at least one quorum slice comprising only correct nodes. A set 𝐵 of failed nodes can violate this property if 𝐵 contains at least one member of each of 𝑣’s slices. We term such a set 𝐵 𝑣-blocking, because it has the power to block progress by 𝑣." The above lines are from the white paper.
Example Three quorum slices: Q(v1) = {v1,v2,v3}
Q(v4) = {v1,v4,v5}
Q(V6) = {v2,v4,v6}
Does node set v2,v4,v6 become blocking node set for node v1?and how do they block progress of v1?
Please help me understand this concept.