var nacl1 = require('ed2curve');
var nacl = require('tweetnacl');
nacl.util = require('tweetnacl-util');

const theirPublicKey = nacl1.convertSecretKey("GDGM7ZAV5OJIVD375PBOJCBM2FDJOQKDJ5GCNKIGGMX7USFIHNQY2BTT");

const mySecretKey = nacl1.convertSecretKey("SC77LFF57OC47LBV4D7WZ73FSQ67CL4JPVK65HOZJYCCPTO4IUMECFFJ");

var message = nacl.util.decodeUTF8('Hello!')

var encryptedMessage = nacl.box(message, theirPublicKey, mySecretKey);

throw new TypeError('unexpected type ' + t + ', use Uint8Array'); ^

TypeError: unexpected type [object Undefined], use Uint8Array at checkArrayTypes (/home/priya/go_test/src/github.com/ed25519/node_modules/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.js:2152:14) at Function.nacl.box.before (/home/priya/go_test/src/github.com/ed25519/node_modules/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.js:2225:3) at Object.nacl.box (/home/priya/go_test/src/github.com/ed25519/node_modules/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.js:2220:20) at Object. (/home/priya/go_test/src/github.com/ed25519/curve.js:14:29) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:689:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3) at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:742:12)

This what I am getting. So please help me to resolve this. Thankyou

2 Answers 2


Once you generate Keypair using ed25519 you need to use stellar sdk to convert keys in string representation.

See exact StrKey functions function below of Stellar SDk:

     * StrKey is a helper class that allows encoding and decoding strkey.

    var StrKey = exports.StrKey = (function () {
      function StrKey() {
        _classCallCheck(this, StrKey);

      _createClass(StrKey, null, {
        encodeEd25519PublicKey: {
           * Encodes data to strkey ed25519 public key.
           * @param {Buffer} data data to encode
           * @returns {string}

          value: function encodeEd25519PublicKey(data) {
            return encodeCheck("ed25519PublicKey", data);
        decodeEd25519PublicKey: {

           * Decodes strkey ed25519 public key to raw data.
           * @param {string} data data to decode
           * @returns {Buffer}

          value: function decodeEd25519PublicKey(data) {
            return decodeCheck("ed25519PublicKey", data);
        isValidEd25519PublicKey: {

           * Returns true if the given Stellar public key is a valid ed25519 public key.
           * @param {string} publicKey public key to check
           * @returns {boolean}

          value: function isValidEd25519PublicKey(publicKey) {
            return isValid("ed25519PublicKey", publicKey);
        encodeEd25519SecretSeed: {

           * Encodes data to strkey ed25519 seed.
           * @param {Buffer} data data to encode
           * @returns {string}

          value: function encodeEd25519SecretSeed(data) {
            return encodeCheck("ed25519SecretSeed", data);
        decodeEd25519SecretSeed: {

           * Decodes strkey ed25519 seed to raw data.
           * @param {string} data data to decode
           * @returns {Buffer}

          value: function decodeEd25519SecretSeed(data) {
            return decodeCheck("ed25519SecretSeed", data);
        isValidEd25519SecretSeed: {

           * Returns true if the given Stellar secret key is a valid ed25519 secret seed.
           * @param {string} seed seed to check
           * @returns {boolean}

          value: function isValidEd25519SecretSeed(seed) {
            return isValid("ed25519SecretSeed", seed);
        encodePreAuthTx: {

           * Encodes data to strkey preAuthTx.
           * @param {Buffer} data data to encode
           * @returns {string}

          value: function encodePreAuthTx(data) {
            return encodeCheck("preAuthTx", data);
        decodePreAuthTx: {

           * Decodes strkey PreAuthTx to raw data.
           * @param {string} data data to decode
           * @returns {Buffer}

          value: function decodePreAuthTx(data) {
            return decodeCheck("preAuthTx", data);
        encodeSha256Hash: {

           * Encodes data to strkey sha256 hash.
           * @param {Buffer} data data to encode
           * @returns {string}

          value: function encodeSha256Hash(data) {
            return encodeCheck("sha256Hash", data);
        decodeSha256Hash: {

           * Decodes strkey sha256 hash to raw data.
           * @param {string} data data to decode
           * @returns {Buffer}

          value: function decodeSha256Hash(data) {
            return decodeCheck("sha256Hash", data);

      return StrKey;

TweetNacl doesn't talk Stellar. You need to convert the keys from their StrKey representation to Buffers.

StellarSdk.StrKey.decodeEd25519PublicKey() and StellarSdk.StrKey.decodeEd25519SecretSeed() is a good start, for javascript.


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