On a private network, I have 5 core nodes and 5 horizon instances, all of the horizon services were not configured with "history-retention-count", so according to this, this variable to should default to 0, which means that the history should not be deleted

"the minimum number of ledgers to maintain within horizon's history tables. 0 signifies an unlimited number of ledgers will be retained"

However, my horizon instances did not save all of the history,
their "history_elder_ledger" is ~400,000 (changes between each horizon instance).

Unlike the public horizon, where the "history_elder_ledger": 1

What can cause this? and how can I fix it so that I will always be able to get the entire history from horizon?

2 Answers 2


I think I had run into the same issue, as Stellar Core by default uses a "fast-sync" mode (instead of "full-sync").

In terms of architecture, Horizon just takes the data stored at Core's DB, i.e. data that Core has processed. **It may be your Core did not process the record before ledger#400000, or at least your Core's DB does not possess the relevant entries. **

By default, Core is doing the CATCHUP_RECENT mode (i.e. "fast-sync"), as CATCHUP_COMPLETE=false.

If a Stellar Core did not start working from ledger#1 (i.e. joining after the network is up, for example at ledger#400005), the Core will catch up at the next checkpoint, but not handle the old old ledgers. It may contain very recent records like ledger#400001 but not #500. As Core did not process #500, Horizon will be unable to take in this record.

Similar problem will occur, when your Core was in sync with the network but is down for a period of time. Using CATCHUP_RECENT mode will not let you get back the data during your node's downtime.


Configure Core with CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true, and reset your Core (clear DB, and do things like --newdb & --newhist). Core will then process all the ledgers from #1 to #current, even when it has downtime and did not get certain ledgers.

I would recommend to do the steps node-by-node, so that your previous data is not lost. And it may take long long time in case something went wrong.

From my experience, it took 30min for a new-born node to catchup completely with my 1-week-old network.

After 10 minutes, Core will have entered "Catching up" state and started to process data, saying Publishing 166 queued checkpoints [63-10623]. Horizon should be constantly renewing like "history_latest_ledger": 576, "history_elder_ledger": 31, "core_latest_ledger": 1998550.

After some more time, Core should enter "Synced!" state before Horizon fully catches up. Horizon is ok done when "history_elder_ledger" = "core_latest_ledger".

Full-sync takes time, just come back later.

  • p.s. after full-sync, your "history_elder_ledger" may not be "1". But feel no panic, the transaction history should still be complete.
    – cesarm
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 2:54
  • Is it possible that the Core database cleans itself every x amount of time? I'm looking at the SQL database and it really is not complete all the way back to ledger 1 Commented May 2, 2018 at 7:25
  • Core database DOES clean itself. By default, it cleans up the histories every 14400s (=4hrs). The histories are the largest data at Core database, and the smaller data is not cleaned up. I tried with doing a constant-rate stress test at my private network, and the storage count showed that the Core DB shrank almost back to its size every four hours. (Ref: github.com/stellar/stellar-core/blob/master/docs/…)
    – cesarm
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 7:52
  • It is actually rather difficult for you to read/extract from the Core DB. Horizon was designed to have higher readability for users, so I would recommend you to check Horizon DB instead. By default, Horizon DB does not automatically cleans up itself, so the data is strictly growing.
    – cesarm
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 7:54
  • 1
    Found a solution! :) horizon db backfill NUM_LEDGERS set num_ledgers slightly higher than current ledger on stellar-core. This will make horizon go backwards in the history and ingest everything since the beginning of time (as far as it's present in the stellar-core history).
    – marcinx
    Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 9:48

Had the same problem but it seems I figured it out. If you want the full history available on your horizon you need to do the following.

Run your stellar-core with CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true. On your horizon side you need to manually tell it to ingest historical ledgers. Just starting horizon with --ingest=true is not enough as it will only ingest ledgers that stellar-core currently processes. The steps to manually ingest history are as follows.

  1. horizon db init initialized db schema
  2. horizon db backfill NUM_LEDGERS set this slightly higher than the current ledger on stellar-core. This way it should back fill all the way to the beginning of history.
  3. horizon --ingest=true Start your horizon with ingest=true to keep it up to date. Horizon can run while you are doing the db backfill in the background.

Maybe there is easier/better ways to do it but this is what worked for me. The docs all just mention --ingest=true but you really also need to do the db backfill for full/more complete history.

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