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Path payment is taking only 4 hops BUT stellar is mentioning upto 6 hops

Let assets are A,B,C,D,E,F I have created few orders like A->B B->C C->D D->E E->F Now, i have created an order where user1 is selling "F" to a destination user2 and the ...
Suman Raj's user avatar
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How does one use a certain version of Horizon when requesting?

I would like to use the 0.23 version of Horizon in this particular query below. How does one do that? var server = new StellarSdk.Server(""); var sourceAsset = new ...
J R's user avatar
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strictReceivePaths not the same as strictSendPaths when reversed

I would assume that the strictReceivePaths would be the same as strictSendPaths when reversed. For example, query these: strictReceivePaths:
J R's user avatar
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`pathPaymentStrictSend` transaction produces error `op_under_dest_min` howmuchever the `destMin`

Recreate this transaction on the Stellar laboratory (view XDR to see parameters): AAAAAJ2XxPOBZhImQhYvufkgoiaUvlcAA3oYpZpxw4uO/...
J R's user avatar
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Why is the /paths endpoint on my custom Horizon deployment abnormally slow?

I was wondering if anyone has an idea what could be causing our Horizon (0.17.6) /paths endpoint to be extremely slow. A simple query takes 1m22s on our custom deployment. On public SDF Horizon the ...
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