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Cross asset payment in stellar need to allow trust for sender for that destination asset

Is it necessary that to perform Cross asset payment on stellar network sender must allow trust for that destination asset .Like We are sending USD token to receiver user that can hold only euros.
Himanshu Kumar's user avatar
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Stellar HD Path require apostrophe in the end?

I was recently going through some code and came across something new to me. The HD Paths for all the assets I saw ended with /0 but specifically for Stellar it ended with /0'. The complete form: m/...
coder123's user avatar
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Path payment is taking only 4 hops BUT stellar is mentioning upto 6 hops

Let assets are A,B,C,D,E,F I have created few orders like A->B B->C C->D D->E E->F Now, i have created an order where user1 is selling "F" to a destination user2 and the ...
Suman Raj's user avatar
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How does one use a certain version of Horizon when requesting?

I would like to use the 0.23 version of Horizon in this particular query below. How does one do that? var server = new StellarSdk.Server(""); var sourceAsset = new ...
J R's user avatar
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TypeError: sourceAsset.isNative is not a function when calling strictSendPaths

I am trying to call a payment strict send path: var server = new StellarSdk.Server("", { allowHttp: false, appName: "Horizon", appVersion: "0.23" }); var ...
J R's user avatar
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strictReceivePaths not the same as strictSendPaths when reversed

I would assume that the strictReceivePaths would be the same as strictSendPaths when reversed. For example, query these: strictReceivePaths:
J R's user avatar
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`pathPaymentStrictSend` transaction produces error `op_under_dest_min` howmuchever the `destMin`

Recreate this transaction on the Stellar laboratory (view XDR to see parameters): AAAAAJ2XxPOBZhImQhYvufkgoiaUvlcAA3oYpZpxw4uO/...
J R's user avatar
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Why is the /paths endpoint on my custom Horizon deployment abnormally slow?

I was wondering if anyone has an idea what could be causing our Horizon (0.17.6) /paths endpoint to be extremely slow. A simple query takes 1m22s on our custom deployment. On public SDF Horizon the ...
marcinx's user avatar
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