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How to change configuration of a custom coin after it has been Locked?

We have recently created a Custom coin on the market, and have realized that we did not pay the distributor wallet with the issuers wallet before locking the coin. Now we have a custom coin on the ...
zchristy's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the maximum number of signers for a given account?

Submitted externally: Can I specify 1000 people can sign on my addr Or is there a limit in terms of the maximum number of signers?
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hash(x) signer in lightning network

I can't understand the hash(x) signer concept. How does the hash(x) signer work in Stellar? What is the difference between a hash(x) signer and another type of signer in Stellar?
masi's user avatar
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Master key weight set to 0

When I create my asset, I set master key weight to 0 and other threshold to 1 to lock and prevent something happen to Issuer Account. But now I need to change something to that Issuer Account, ...
Ahmad Hidayat's user avatar