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Questions tagged [signer]

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Get current signers of a transaction and required signers

I have 2 questions, given a transaction, is it possible to: get a list of the signers that already signed the transaction? get a list of needed signers? Returning a list like the following: Signer ...
GioGio's user avatar
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How to limit an asset issuer to only issue its asset with a co-signer

What would be the best way (if such way exists at all) to limit the ability of an Issuer to issue assets, and only do this when such action is co-signed by another account? Also, ideally, such co-...
user12697327's user avatar
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Receiving BaseEncodingException when signing transaction using TestNet : Invalid Input Length

Sending from Account A to B is not working in my implementation. The docs provided by stellar for Java are straight forward but I have been receiving a BaseEncodingException when trying to sign the ...
Bobby Garza's user avatar
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Lobstr wallet security

I am checking the best Stellar wallet to save my assets. I have setup the account on LOBSTR. I'm interested most in the security. Looks like the transaction is not signed on client but on server side....
tminh's user avatar
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How to change configuration of a custom coin after it has been Locked?

We have recently created a Custom coin on the market, and have realized that we did not pay the distributor wallet with the issuers wallet before locking the coin. Now we have a custom coin on the ...
zchristy's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating account with additional signer

I want to be able to fund account creation only if account is going to add myself as an additional signer for this account. I thought on creating transaction with SetOptions operation that will set ...
user127993's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the maximum number of signers for a given account?

Submitted externally: Can I specify 1000 people can sign on my addr Or is there a limit in terms of the maximum number of signers?
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Geting signer of a signature

Using go, how can i get the public key of a signer from a signature? I have the a TransactionEnvelopeBuilder for a transaction, which includes all signatures (
Udo Polder's user avatar
4 votes
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hash(x) signer in lightning network

I can't understand the hash(x) signer concept. How does the hash(x) signer work in Stellar? What is the difference between a hash(x) signer and another type of signer in Stellar?
masi's user avatar
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6 votes
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Master key weight set to 0

When I create my asset, I set master key weight to 0 and other threshold to 1 to lock and prevent something happen to Issuer Account. But now I need to change something to that Issuer Account, ...
Ahmad Hidayat's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

TX_BAD_AUTH_EXTRA at submiting a transaction

I'm getting an error at trying to issue an asset following this schema: (issuer) An issuer account (Nano ledger) that will create and send the asset to a secondary account. (bhMain) Secondary account ...
Jesús Fuentes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to disambiguate signer types in operation json

The set_options operation JSON returned by Horizon does not disambiguate between signer_keys of different types (hash, signed txn hash, account). // sha256 hash "signer_key": "...
Synesso's user avatar
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