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16 votes

Does every transaction on Stellar need XLM as a bridge between 2 assets?

No, Stellar offers path-payment. This means that an user can trade ASSET1 directly to ASSET2 in 2 case: There is a specific trading pair ASSET1/ASSET2 in Stellar Decentralized Exchange There is a "...
Nekrataal's user avatar
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10 votes

Does every transaction on Stellar need XLM as a bridge between 2 assets?

The other two answers are totally correct, but I wanted to add some color. Technically, you can create a path payment in Stellar to trade assets using any bridge, but generally you need to use a ...
Michael Dowling's user avatar
6 votes

Does every transaction on Stellar need XLM as a bridge between 2 assets?

You can trade any asset for another when a matching offer exists. It is also possible to do cross-asset payments with up to 6 different hops. This process of finding the best path of a payment is ...
alpe1's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use the ManageOfferOperation with Assets in the Java SDK?

It sounds to me like you are unfamiliar with the available methods in the SDK. In addition to what Orbit Lens said, you'll need to create a transaction, sign it, and then submit it to the network. ...
nathan lile's user avatar
2 votes

What are "LedgerEntry objects" and "Asset pairs" in relation to Stellar Core Configuration?

From The ledger is a collection of entries. Currently there are 4 types of ledger entries. They’re specified in src/xdr/Stellar-ledger-...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use the ManageOfferOperation with Assets in the Java SDK?

Have you checked the Java SDK docs? But createNonNativeAsset requires an KeyPair object. So, I'll need to find the issuing public ID of whatever asset I want to trade, and make a KeyPair? Yes, any ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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