In the transactions endpoint e.g.:


Is there any way of knowing the total transactions count from the response? Is there any way of knowing the total pages so I can display that in the UI?

And for that matter, how do I know there is a next page. The next link is always present even if there are no records in the next page.

I'm not sure I understand how the pagination works here.


EDIT: From the answer I got from @Johan Stén (in his comment):

When the link to your current page is the same as the link to the next page, you're at the end. I can't explain why it's like that, I'm just telling you how it is

And digging some more:
The concept is somehow still unclear.

In the link I provided there are 39 transaction total (using limit 20 => 2 pages). but if I follow the next until current (self) == next, I'm at the 3rd page where there are no records at all.

So at page 2 I can't tell if there are no more pages...

Is this how it suppose to work? :/ should I read ahead the next block just to see if there are no more records in the next page?

1 Answer 1


Regarding knowing when it ends, IIRC the next next-link will be the identical to the one pointing to it when you've reached the end.

I don't think there's an easy way of finding the number of transactions of an account, except for enumerating them and counting.

  • Can you please elaborate? what do you mean by "the next next-link will be the identical to the one pointing to it"? there are the _links.next and for each record there is paging_token. what is the logic there?
    – zig
    Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 7:29
  • When the link to your current page is the same as the link to the next page, you're at the end. I can't explain why it's like that, I'm just telling you how it is. Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 10:29
  • I see what you mean. however this is somehow "tricky": in the link I provided there are 39 transaction total (2 pages). but if I follow the next until current (self) == next, I'm at the 3rd page where there are no records at all. is this how it suppose to work? :/ should I read ahead the next block just to see if there are no more records in the next page?
    – zig
    Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 11:36
  • Yes, you should. Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 12:34
  • That really seems a bad design IMHO
    – zig
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 9:53

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