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Questions tagged [kelp]

questions related to the Kelp trading bot (

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Kelp build error - go-astilog not loading

Happy to join here and appreciate your patience with what may be a basic question. Have been working to follow "Compile from Source" instructions and seem to have all dependencies & ...
div0's user avatar
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Graceful stop/terminate/shutdown of Kelp

I am new to Kelp and trying out my first bot using OOB buysell configuration from CLI. I have a very basic question...What is the way to shutdown/stop/terminate Kelp bot from CLI gracefully. If I do ...
user4700's user avatar
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Kelp balanced strategy amount confusion

I'm setting up a Kelp balanced strategy on StellarX, and so far I got it working and trading, but I'm very confused about the amounts that Kelp bids. It only seems to bid small amounts, fractions of ...
JCee's user avatar
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How do I establish trustlines for kelp on the real network?

I am trying to run Kelp on the live network, just noodling around with MOBI-XLM and amgetting this error: error: your trading account does not have the required trustlines: [MOBI:...
davecove's user avatar
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kelp buy-sell AMOUNT parameter

Please help me figure out the buy-sell strategy with stablecoin. Everything works fine, but the order amounts are all the same, how do I change this parameter: AMOUNT = 100.0 # multiple of base amount ...
Rednaxela Voroge's user avatar
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Kelp for very beginners

I have no coding experience at all but would like to use Kelp. I have managed to get it running on CMD.exe but have no clue what im doing. If anyone has a little spare time, could you please put out a ...
Makaveli's user avatar
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kelp on Arduino/raspberry pi

Has anyone done this before? I got a couple of boards collecting dust, was wondering if I could run kelp Kelp on it. Or if someone already tried it.
Ennan's user avatar
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How is a client determined for rate limiting? Is it some sort of client ID? based on account that pays fees? says rate limiting is based on this: In order to provide service stability, Horizon limits the number of requests a client ...
Steve Kirsch's user avatar
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How does Kelp's balanced strategy react to the account receiving funds?

Let's suppose we are using Kelp with the balanced strategy and we fund the bot with an equal value of both assets. The bot starts working based on the config parameters and will create buy/sell offers....
nikhils's user avatar
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Kelp - managing spread

I'm wondering if I could use the kelpbot to manage the spread of a token. Token isn't listed on the out of box exchanges. Is there a way to use kelpbot to check spread and, depending on the value, ...
user1808's user avatar
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How do the AMOUNT_SPREAD parameters for the kelp balanced strategy result in profit?

In the balanced configuration file the following explanation for MIN_AMOUNT_SPREAD and MAX_AMOUNT_SPREAD appears: reduces the order size by this percentage (specified as a decimal number). if ...
Rominus's user avatar
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How do I add a custom PriceFeed from the SDEX exchange

On the getting-started page I see sdex listed as an out of the box exchange integration. Is that only used for buying/selling or is there a way to use sdex instead of Kraken to get token price info? ...
user1808's user avatar
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Kelp error placing sell orders

I'm not sure if this is the good place to ask this question, but lets give it a try. To try to learn how Stellar works I tried to use the Kelp trading bot. I've made a trustline with WSD and try to ...
Caros's user avatar
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KELP cannot find failed

When I'm trying to build the binaries using: ./scripts/ I have this error:
maxrudometkin's user avatar