I want to use the captive core of stellar-horizon v2.0.0, but the following command does not work. Instance is building a new.

As far as I read the docs, I don't think it will make http requests to core by default. Is this a bug?

A. a subprocess of Horizon, streaming ledger data over a filesystem pipe. This is the default: https://github.com/stellar/go/blob/master/services/horizon/internal/docs/captive_core.md#introduction

My command and config are:

$ sudo -u stellar stellar-horizon \
--db-url="postgres://stellar:stellar123@localhost/horizon?sslmode=disable" \
--network-passphrase="Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" \
--stellar-core-binary-path="/usr/local/bin/stellar-core" \
--captive-core-config-append-path="/etc/default/stellar-captive-core-stub.toml" \
WARN[2021-03-15T10:19:58.017Z] could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get "http://localhost:11626/info": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused  pid=19811
INFO[2021-03-15T10:19:58.023Z] Starting horizon on :8000 (ingest: false)     pid=19811
WARN[2021-03-15T10:19:59.017Z] could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get "http://localhost:11626/info": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused  pid=19811
ERRO[2021-03-15T10:19:59.017Z] failed to load the stellar-core info          err="http request errored: Get \"http://localhost:11626/info\": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused" pid=19811 stack="[main.go:43 client.go:67 app.go:216 app.go:410 asm_amd64.s:1373]"
WARN[2021-03-15T10:20:00.017Z] could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get "http://localhost:11626/info": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused  pid=19811
ERRO[2021-03-15T10:20:00.017Z] failed to load the stellar-core info          err="http request errored: Get \"http://localhost:11626/info\": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused" pid=19811 stack="[main.go:43 client.go:67 app.go:216 app.go:410 asm_amd64.s:1373]"
ERRO[2021-03-15T10:20:01.017Z] failed to load the stellar-core info          err="http request errored: Get \"http://localhost:11626/info\": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused" pid=19811 stack="[main.go:43 client.go:67 app.go:216 app.go:410 asm_amd64.s:1373]"
WARN[2021-03-15T10:20:01.017Z] could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get "http://localhost:11626/info": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused  pid=19811
INFO[2021-03-15T10:20:01.967Z] Finished request                              app_name=undefined app_version=undefined bytes=3840 client_name=undefined client_version=undefined duration=0.000649964 forwarded_ip= host="localhost:8000" ip="[::1]" ip_port="[::1]:53090" method=GET path=/ pid=19811 referer=undefined req=ip-10-10-0-191.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal/06FSDb1on8-000001 route=/ status=200 streaming=false
INFO[2021-03-15T10:20:01.979Z] Finished request                              app_name=undefined app_version=undefined bytes=579 client_name=undefined client_version=undefined duration=0.000247862 forwarded_ip= host="localhost:8000" ip="[::1]" ip_port="[::1]:53094" method=GET path=/fee_stats pid=19811 referer=undefined req=ip-10-10-0-191.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal/06FSDb1on8-000002 route=/fee_stats status=200 streaming=false
WARN[2021-03-15T10:20:02.017Z] could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get "http://localhost:11626/info": dial tcp [::1]:11626: connect: connection refused  pid=19811
$ cat /etc/default/stellar-captive-core-stub.toml 

HISTORY="curl -sf http://history.stellar.org/prd/core-live/core_live_001/{0} -o {1}"

HISTORY="curl -sf http://history.stellar.org/prd/core-live/core_live_002/{0} -o {1}"

HISTORY="curl -sf http://history.stellar.org/prd/core-live/core_live_003/{0} -o {1}"

Can you tell me the boot options or configs that captive core works for?


1 Answer 1


You are missing --ingest option. By default Horizon instances are not ingesting ledger data, just starting the API server. I created this issue to make params validation more strict.

  • I added the --ingest option, but the situation did not change. Thank you.
    – fatminer
    Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 10:14
  • Any new errors in the logs? Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 15:15

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