I have been successfully creating accounts for months before the reset but I am now running into a problem and not clear what the actual problem is.

I am executing the following code:

final KeyPair newAccountKeyPair = KeyPair.random(); final KeyPair sourceKeyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(seed); final String secret = new String(newAccountKeyPair.getSecretSeed()); final AccountResponse sourceAccount = server.accounts().account(sourceKeyPair.getAccountId());

        final Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(sourceAccount, network)
                .addOperation(new CreateAccountOperation.Builder(newAccountKeyPair.getAccountId(), startingBalance)
                .addMemo(Memo.text("CreateAccount Tx"))


        final SubmitTransactionResponse submitTransactionResponse = server.submitTransaction(transaction);

The reponse from the server: org.stellar.sdk.requests.ErrorResponse: Error response from the server. at org.stellar.sdk.requests.ResponseHandler.handleResponse(ResponseHandler.java:39) at org.stellar.sdk.requests.AccountsRequestBuilder.account(AccountsRequestBuilder.java:38) at org.stellar.sdk.requests.AccountsRequestBuilder.account(AccountsRequestBuilder.java:49)

I have ensured that I am on the latest version of the Java SDK (0.19.0). I have searched on the web and have not found any joy. What can I do to resolve this error?

Thank You! Aubrey

  • An update to my question: I ran a debugger and the line that causes the problem is the last line in the code below: final KeyPair newAccountKeyPair = KeyPair.random(); final KeyPair sourceKeyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(seed); final String secret = new String(newAccountKeyPair.getSecretSeed()); final AccountResponse sourceAccount = server.accounts().account(sourceKeyPair.getAccountId()); Commented Oct 30, 2020 at 17:10

1 Answer 1


I resolved the problem. It turns out that I was using a seed from pre-reset days. I obtained a new seed from Stellar Lab and everything's back to normal. Thank you!

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