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Questions tagged [catchup]

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horizon ingest the historical data

I'm running a new horizon v1.2 with ingest=true. It is connected to the stellar core with CATCHUP_COMPELTE enabled. (the status of the core is catching up 5%) My question is what is the command to ...
taraf's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable sync my updated node stellar-core (v11.4.0), Please Help

General information We have a private network based on stellar. I update the new release of stellar-core v11.4.0 but, my node stuck on catching up state and restart over and over. Our network nodes ...
rahmani.hatef's user avatar
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Would like to know if my stellar node running properly?

Below is what I see on the web frontend at To my limited knowledge about Stellar, I see that ledger hash is not changing. Is that a healthy sign? ...
Sivaji's user avatar
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Run core with catchup complete

I have a new stellar core instance with CATCHUP COMPLETE true and one stellar horizon instance with INGEST true. I'm totally new with stellar. I've started the core node and it's catching up the data....
taraf's user avatar
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What is difference between history and bucketlist?

I am unable to understand the difference between history and bucketlist. As per documentation, bucketlist is used for: Efficiently transmitting a minimal "delta" of changes to the set when a peer ...
Vishwas Bhushan's user avatar
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Publishing history to new history archive results in error of loading history state

I keep getting the [History ERROR] Error loading history state: rapidjson internal assertion failure: IsObject() when trying to publish the state of a recently added node to it's recently initialized ...
Rafael Korbas's user avatar
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How does Stellar-Core handle multiple archives in a secure manner?

For a stellar code, if a node is configured with multiple history archives for reading, presumably from sources of different nodes. How does this node handle discrepancies between the historical data? ...
B.Li's user avatar
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Partial vs Complete Catchup: what are the differences in terms of security?

Lets assume I power-up a new core and join (as validator) to a network of pre-existing other nodes. In addition, to speed things up, I chose to do a partial catchup from one history archive. Now, ...
FuzzyAmi's user avatar
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