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4 votes

Create offer has no _effect_

Effects Offer Created, Offer Updated, and Offer Removed are described in API docs, but not yielded by the Horizon. Check the bug description for more details.
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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Confusing Effects after Set Options transaction

This is a discovered bug and is documented in Github issues at
Synesso's user avatar
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sold_amount and bought_amount return 0.0000 in /effects

If the trade amount is less than a rounding error (in other words, traded amount is smaller than 0.0000001), DEX engine treats it as a "dust" trade and closes the offer returning all buying/selling ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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Path payment accounting

That's a Stellar Horizon bug. Looks like it is related to #744. In this case GBN2KFK spent 3.333 XLM and GATEMHC received only 1 XLM. GBN2KFK was debited 1 XLM Should be "GBN2KFK was debited 3....
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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How does the trade id relate to the effect id?

Effect id consists of two parts: {operation_id}-{effect_application_order}. Operation ID is an encoded unique identifier of the operation, which contains: Ledger sequence Transaction application ...
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Effects by ledger endpoint never returns any effects

There were no transactions in ledger #1 so there are also no effects.
Bartek Nowotarski's user avatar

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