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15 votes

Why is Stellar on HTTP and not HTTPS?

As you can see from the developer documentation, SDF does serve both Horizon instances through HTTPS. When they say "RESTful HTTP API" it's to signal to developers that they use standard web ...
Francesco's user avatar
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13 votes

Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?

Yes, Docker provides a simple way to incorporate stellar-core and horizon into your infrastructure so long as BUCKET_DIR_PATH, TMP_DIR_PATH, and the database are stored on persistent volumes. First,...
Lilynut's user avatar
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8 votes

Securing Stellar node

TL;DR: only expose port 11625 on stellar-core. Stellar Core Port 11625 Port 11625 of stellar-core must be exposed outside your network to allow it to communicate with peers. The stellar-core ...
nikhils's user avatar
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8 votes

Testing Stellar for high volume of operations per second

Start the performance troubleshooting from pinpointing a bottleneck. During the test execution run top to get the list of the top resource consuming processes. There are 4 possible options: Your load ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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7 votes

Unable to connect to horizon via JavaScript SDK

Okay. So found the solution with help of @Bartek Nowotarski. My local horizon didn't have SSL certificate. So I had to either add SSL to the horizon Use it without SSL: var server = new StellarSdk....
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
7 votes

Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?

Yes it is possible. You could use the official docker image provided by Stellar as starting point. Github source here
Nekrataal's user avatar
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7 votes

What can cause horizon to have incomplete data?

I think I had run into the same issue, as Stellar Core by default uses a "fast-sync" mode (instead of "full-sync"). In terms of architecture, Horizon just takes the data stored at Core's DB, i.e. ...
cesarm's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't see the history of an account that paid me

Using the payments by account endpoint of Horizon we can see that the from account has since been merged into GCXELXZUHZEZFT5E63P2R2HMXJ3MPPIVR3TI2MDBP244ECRBQEFBVKCG. { "_links": { "self"...
Synesso's user avatar
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6 votes

If one operation is wrong then the whole transaction is wrong

This is as per design. Operations are executed in order as one ACID transaction, meaning that either all operations are applied or none are. If any operation fails, the whole transaction fails. ...
Synesso's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I configure horizon to download and retain the entire history and never delete it?

Edit your stellar-core config (/yourpath/core/etc/stellar-core.cfg) Remove CATCHUP_RECENT=X Add CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true Horizon will store the entire history as well.
mprom's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a speed difference between the SDKs?

I hadn't run any benchmarks myself, but you can estimate the performance based on the few parameters. Cryptography Cryptography is the most CPU-consumptional part of SDK. Stellar JS SDK depends on ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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5 votes

What to do about the rate limit exceeded problem?

You are making too many Horizon requests, consider rewriting code that polls Horizon. Setup a queue or use caching for Horizon data. Horizon rate-limiting behavior is described here. In order to ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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5 votes

aws architecture recommendations for stellar

A shared db definitely makes a lot of sense for most production deployments, if you have access to RDS then it has some very convenient features, it takes care of backups, offers point in time ...
Tom Llewellyn-Smith's user avatar
5 votes

Core breaks after upgrade to 10.0.0

This is a bug. Nothing changed on that front, 10.0.0 happens to perform a schema upgrade the same way we've done it before. I opened with a ...
MonsieurNicolas's user avatar
4 votes

Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?

I created a few docker images for stellar including one with core and horizon.
Steve Gehrman's user avatar
4 votes

Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?

For a single node / testing and development context there is also this image:
Chris Hatch's user avatar
4 votes

ChangeTrustNotAllowed Error

It looks like you are trying to create a circular trustline, sourceAccount and issuer are the same. A trustline can only be established from one account to another. Try creating one more account and ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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4 votes

Amount in XDR is negative. Why?

When I pasted the decimal you posted into the stellar transaction builder I got the following error: "Amount can only support a precision of 7 decimals." Perhaps whatever method it uses to encode ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are overspending transactions added to the ledger?

You can say the transaction makes it into the ledger because the operations in the transaction are themselves balanced. The main confusion is the example is transferring the amounts within itself. ...
MikeFair's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I create a real account using the stellar Horizon API?

To create a new account you issue a transaction with the CreateAccount operation. It's very similar to a Payment operation, but has the side-effect of creating a new account. This is essentially what ...
Synesso's user avatar
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4 votes

Setting Expiration Time for Offers on Stellar?

Stellar does not support expiring offers. Time locks only specify the time window when a Stellar transaction is eligible to be submitted to the network but not it's validity. Therefore, sending a ...
nikhils's user avatar
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Best way to test maximum possible TPS on private network?

Well, with your setup TPS rate depends on your private network configuration. First of all, check maximum transactions per ledger parameter. If you have local Horizon node up and running, just ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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4 votes

Can the Horizon Server be hacked?

That's a broad question. How can you guarantee that Google Mail is not hacked? Potentially, any service can be hacked, and not necessarily on the server side. For example, DNS hijacking allows hacker ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you use the stellar quickstart without docker?

There is a docker product called Docker Toolbox which advertises support for older versions of windows. It requires a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or better.
Synesso's user avatar
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4 votes

How the transaction history of an account including the amounts sent/received in the transaction be viewed using horizon?

Transactions are containers which contain operations. Operations are what you're looking for. Try hitting
Johan Stén's user avatar
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Is it possible to submit transactions to Stellar Core directly without Horizon?

There are HTTP commands that can be issued directly to core. For example: /tx?blob=Base64 submit a transaction to the network. See
Synesso's user avatar
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Distinction between signers.key and signers.public_key in Account response

They wouldn't necessarily differ, but public_key is deprecated, most likely since we have other types of signers now, in addition to just ed25519 keys (which are public keys).
Johan Stén's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you access horizon on a web browser?

The easiest way to get started is by using the public horizon that is hosted by ( Horizon is just an HTTP api that is layered on top of stellar-core (with a few extra ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there any publicly available horizon servers or do you always have to run your own private servers?

The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) runs two publicly available instances: for test network and for public network. If you want ...
Francesco's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there any publicly available horizon servers or do you always have to run your own private servers?

The servers listed at are not stellar-horizon servers but stellar-core nodes. stellar-core: handling p2p network communication with a binary protocol don't have a public http(s) ...
sui's user avatar
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