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For questions regarding using Stellar applications within the Docker virtualisation tool.

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Difficulties connecting to Docker Quickstart instance using node js on pubnet

I have been trying the Docker Quickstart image for submitting transactions on the pubnet and, hopefully, also retrieving data. I (believe) I have increased storage capacity and also set CATCHUP_RECENT ...
Belatedgreeting's user avatar
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Kubernetes, specify network and health check

I'm trying to run Stellar in Kubernetes. Initially I'm working with the quickstart (stellar/quickstart:latest). The problem I'm facing is, when specifying the network via an explicit command and args ...
Magick's user avatar
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2 answers

Change Network Passphrase - Quickstart - Persistent - Docker

I am trying to change the network passphrase for stellar. I am using the quickstart docker image and launching in standalone mode. command: docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "E:\...
user4098's user avatar
1 vote
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How to custom stellar-core.cfg on docker quick start?

I would like to change NETWORK_PASSPHRASE information in the stellar-core.cfg for my standalone network in order to get the new private seed for the genesis block. I managed to edit the file but when ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Docker quickstart - Error ingesting history archive: ledger does not exists

I'm trying to run the quickstart docker tutorial but I am getting a 503 still ingesting when access the accounts/ACCOUNT_ID on my localhost:8000 (horizon). Looking over my horizon logs I keep ...
ton's user avatar
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stellar horizon docker install error -history-archive-urls must be set when --ingest is set

I'm trying to install stellar core and horizon via docker: and I get this error when start horizon_1 | 2020/05/26 23:50:15 --history-archive-urls must be set when --ingest is set $ docker ps ...
Iorrrrrrrrrr's user avatar
2 votes
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How to connect to a stellar stand alone node?

My goal was to set up a small test network with two stellar nodes. Therefor, I forked the quickstart repo and made some small adjustments. I changed the public key and the network passphrase. On my ...
Seb's user avatar
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How can I send lumens over local docker quickstart image using accounts made on local image and not the testnet

I am following the stellar walkthrough for creating two accounts, a source and a destination using the testnet. However, I would like to use my local docker quickstart image to facilitate the ...
Bobby Garza's user avatar
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Which docker image to use for running a private Stellar network with 3 nodes?

I'm trying to run a private Stellar network with 3 nodes, each also running horizon. There are 2 docker images which seem to be useful for my case, but I don't know which one to use. The first one is ...
mahdi's user avatar
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Connection refused error in Horizon

Launching Horizon with stellar/quickstart docker image: horizon db init --db-url postgres://stellar:[email protected]:5432/core --stellar-core-db-url postgres://stellar:[email protected]:5432/...
Denizhan Şahin's user avatar
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problem running the core+horizon container in standalone mode

I can start a standalone container with this command: sudo docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "/home/maxou/stellar:/opt/stellar" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --standalone I can call rest ...
Boutran's user avatar
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Stellar-core running in Docker container, but not inside supervisorctl. If run in supervisorctl it doesn't use the right config

In the docker container if I run stellar-core using supervisortctl, then logs do not get written to the file I have specified in my stellar-core.cfg, but if I start stellar-core outside of ...
John Murphy's user avatar
1 vote
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How to provide password when running horizon db migrate up command inside docker container?

I have issues with horizon, when inside the docker container I run horizon db clear and I get the output There are 18 migrations to apply in the "up" direction. ... 2019/06/20 10:44:26 A database ...
John Murphy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to relaunch a Testnet node to use the new Testnet after a reset while using the Docker quickstart container?

What are the recommended steps that should be taken to get a stellar testnet node using the quickstart docker reset on the new testnet? Currently it is still using the old network by the looks of it,...
John Murphy's user avatar
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Can the docker quickstart allow me to test out "becoming an anchor"?

Or must I set up according to the Administration documentation then follow the steps on configuring a bridge server, federation server, etc. As the documentation steps in becoming an anchor seems to ...
Lance's user avatar
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Should I start with docker quickstart or stellar core? Any difference?

Situation: I am trying to implement a payment network, I guess kind of similar to World Wire, and I am not sure how should I start off. Have yet to use docker before, so I'm a bit overwhelmed by the ...
Lance's user avatar
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Asset endpoint returns 404 on standalone network

I build a docker image from the v0.17.0 tag of docker-stellar-core-horizon. Then, I created a local standalone network from that image: docker run --rm -d -p "8000:8000" -p "11626:11626" \ -p "...
Synesso's user avatar
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How to pass in a different config file when running a stellar quickstart docker container?

The Stellar quickstart contains a config file at stellar/core/etc/stellar-core.cfg which it uses by default to start stellar core once the container is first run. How can do a first run of the ...
John Murphy's user avatar
4 votes
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Timeout after 6000ms after submitting a transaction

Whenever I submit a transaction I get a timeout error (after 60 secs). The server is a docker quickstart image in standalone mode. To solve the issue I am have to run the image with -e LOG_LEVEL="...
Massimo Nicolardi's user avatar
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Change stellar quickstart docker from ephemeral to persistent without shutting it down

I made the mistake of running my Stellar instances with the -v "/home/Drew/XCoin:/Drew/XCoin" flags instead of the required -v "/home/Drew/stellar:/opt/stellar"flags that Stellar recommends on the ...
Drew Patel's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Own stellar horizon is not showing data prior to own instance launch date

I run a stellar node using the docker quickstart image and due to some syncing error the underlying ec2 instance was terminated and restarted on 2018-12-28T10:45:19Z, state of core is Synced. ...
shredding's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do request with the SDK work without starting a local Node?

I followed this guide to create an account and get the balance. I am also running this docker instance. I am confused (and impressed) that I don't have to start a node (e.g. the docker instance) or ...
solaire's user avatar
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Stellar Core from Source vs. Stellar Core from Container

Are there any vulnerabilities or security considerations I should be aware of with running Stellar Core from source as opposed to running it from the Docker Container?
carleverett's user avatar
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Horizon returns 404 when trying to query accounts/{ID}/payments

I've spun up a Stellar horizon server using the Docker image mentioned in the repo below It spins up just fine but I don't get any payment ...
Paul Puey's user avatar
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Enable https for horizon in the docker-stellar-core-horizon quickstart template

Is there an easy way to enable https for the horizon server? If not, how would you recommend to update the docker file to enable https?
bonen's user avatar
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A complete catchup of the testnet keeps failing on verifying ledger

Trying to perform a full sync on the Stellar testnet using a recent dockerized stellar/quickstart in persistent mode (horizon: v0.13.1, core: v9.2.0, docker: v18.06.0-ce). After around 10 hours the ...
jbrejcha's user avatar
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How do you use the stellar quickstart without docker?

It says "The easiest way to install Horizon is by using stellar/quickstart docker image." But I can't run the "docker pull" command without docker. I went to download docker from their site and ...
John Murphy's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to get status of historical ledgers synced after setting CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true

I had problems getting the node to resync all past ledgers and had to start from scratch. I can see that stellar-core is writing ledgers to disk, but I'm not sure how to check the status of it, or ...
relik's user avatar
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stellar docker and nginx reverse proxy

I am running a stellar docker using this command: sudo docker run -d --rm -it -p "7777:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet which will bind the horizon (port 8000) to my host port ...
Christianto's user avatar
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stellar core docker address in use

I am running stellar core docker. When I get into the container and type stellar-core. it gives this error: GAGCM [default INFO] Starting stellar-core v9.2.0 GAGCM [default INFO] Config from stellar-...
Christianto's user avatar
2 votes
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Horizon import failed (Integer type error?)

I configured a custom docker-compose with Postgres, Stellar Core and Horizon as seperate services. Core and Horizon are running and are responsive via HTTP. Stellar-Core is running on Livenet and is ...
Till Kolter's user avatar
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What is the proper way to use federated addresses to send funds?

Stellar Docs are great, but I feel they miss the content for bringing all the servers together. If an entity is acting as a custodian on behalf of their users and uses a Hot/Cold wallet architecture ...
Brutus123's user avatar
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Issue with Stellar Quickstart Docker Image

I'm trying to run the docker stellar/quickstart image. I launch it with: docker run -d -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet I've left it running for quite some time but it ...
mecavity's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?

I want to incorporate Stellar-core and horizon into my private infrastructure using Docker. Can Stellar-core be packaged in a container system such as Docker?
Lilynut's user avatar
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