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10 votes

How is an asset verified?

I am one of the devs at Stellarport. The verified status means (like you are alluding to) that the domain has verified that it has indeed issued this asset. For example, any stellar account can issue ...
istrau2's user avatar
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How to become a "Verified entity" on Stellar Dashboard?

We will be redesigning the Nodes section of the Dashboard really soon so it's very likely that the "verified node" will be gone. The reason we added a "verified node" badge was that we wanted to list ...
Bartek Nowotarski's user avatar
5 votes

Asset not verified

Here is a step-by-step process of the basic asset verification: Set home_domain field for your asset issuing account. Clients can look up a stellar.toml from this domain. This should be in the ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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3 votes

Asset not verified

OrbitLens does a good walkthrough of the steps needed. Ultimately, your asset isn't set as verified because you haven't added a homedomain to the issuing account. A stellar.toml isn't any good if ...
Johan Stén's user avatar
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2 votes

How to verify a Transaction?

You will need to verify the signature against the signing key (account ID). You can take a look at how the compliance server implements signature verification. Copying over the code (Golang) here for ...
nikhils's user avatar
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2 votes

Where is the '.well-known' folder located?

Yes, you have to create this folder. Stellar documentation explains it like this: https://DOMAIN/.well-known/stellar.toml Here is a real world example that you can try out:
Roman's user avatar
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1 vote

Stellar.toml checker passes all tests, but asset information not published

You're going to have to get in touch with the team that runs StellarTerm. They probably have to pull the info from your stellar.toml into their system and need to trigger that process somehow.
marcinx's user avatar
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Where is the '.well-known' folder located?

.well-known is found inside the public_html directory on your server, put the stellar.toml file there.
Mbonye Emmanuel's user avatar
1 vote

Stellar port verification still not sure why it’s not verified?

First and foremost check out this. Good explanation of how assets are verified. Also, I have just setup my own coin to play around with this verification process. The steps I took: Add Stellar.TOML ...
Rob's user avatar
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When issuing a new verified asset is there anything beyond hosting a stellar.toml file I should be sure to do?

Yes, HTTPS is a must. The issuing account home domain should be specified in TLD format without protocol (, not the If your stellar.toml has correct format ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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