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3 votes

What does it mean with "surge pricing in effect" at Stellar-Core?

The function you linked to seems to be removing the transactions from a transaction set that have the lowest fees, until the set size equals 100. This corresponds with the documentation which states: ...
Synesso's user avatar
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Stellar core log: idle timeout and connectHandler error: Operation aborted

It's just connection failures from/to some other nodes, you can safely ignore them if your node works fine otherwise. You can find out if your node is basically well connected to the network by ...
sui's user avatar
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2 votes

Expected behavior of omitting path attribute in Path Payment

If you don't set path param then the path payment behavior is convert sendAsset to destAsset with default order book (between two assets). Unfortunately you have to "search" for path first and then "...
dolcalmi's user avatar
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What is HorizonRequestError error 11?

11 is an internal error: An unknown error occured. You can find a list at:
alpe1's user avatar
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Can't see the error code in the error object

Altough I don't see a e.response property in your output and I'm not up to date with the latest js-sdk, I think it should still be try { await server.submitTransaction(...) } ...
sui's user avatar
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get problem my stellar is lock

Unfortunately, if you set the weight of the account master key to 0, it is no longer able to authorize any operations. As you pointed out, the thresholds for operations are set to 1 on that account. ...
Justin Rice's user avatar
1 vote

Account upgrade functionaility from legacy to Lumens still not working

This is definitely a scam. Stellar will never require you to "upgrade" your wallet. The native token of Stellar already is named Lumens (XLM), it's been over 5 years since they the name was ...
mbloms's user avatar
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How to fix "Errors: The key "issuer" has already been defined previously"?

Nevermind, I've just realized my mistakes. They're right there: issuer identified twice, status use brackets, is_asset_anchor used brackets and fixed_number used brackets. Hope that helps future ...
Michael's user avatar
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Error merging bucket, and FATAL SCP crash

Without access to your private network it can be a little tricky to debug. This seems likely to be a problem with a corrupt bucket file, which can happen if there's an error or data loss during XDR ...
Graydon Hoare's user avatar
1 vote

Error tx_bad_seq, is it just about the sequence number?

Sequence number for a new transaction must be the current sequence number +1. You can look up the current sequence number at:[ACCOUNT_ID] Given the fact you ...
sui's user avatar
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What does it mean with "surge pricing in effect" at Stellar-Core?

The number of transactions per ledger is governed by a network wide setting that you need to change on a private network: look up the upgrades endpoint on the commands documentation.
MonsieurNicolas's user avatar
1 vote

How to catch specific error code on JS SDK connecting to horizon

The error object contains response field with HTTP response details from the server. You can refer to response.status to retrieve the status code. if (err.response && err.response.status === ...
Orbit Lens's user avatar
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Expected behavior of omitting path attribute in Path Payment

When you don't set any path you still have a sendAsset and a destAsset, so the expected behavior is a conversion from one to another under the defined thresholds (destAmount and sendMax). You get ...
Mister Ticot's user avatar

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